Post added on 25 September 2024 at 23:48
Seller name : Muluken Bekele
Phone number : 251 69598552
Price : 4700 ETB
Seller Address : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mail :
My product is : New (Very good condition)
Product description:
👑 P9 unique combination Smart Watch
✅ with free airpod
✅ with 7 free straps
✅ 7ሚቀያየር እጀታ ያለው
📌የልብ ምትን ይለካል
📌ምን ያህል ካሎሪ እንዳቃጠልን
📌ስፖርት ስንሰራ ይቆጥርልናል
📌ቴክስት መላክ እንዲሁም መቀበል የሚችሉበት
📌ከስልክ ጋ በ Bluetooth ተገናኝቶ ስልክ መደወል እንዲሁም ማናገር ይቻላል
💵 - 4700 birr
Meet in a public place. Contact seller by phone/mail to have more information about the product before.
Do not transfer the money to someone until you have the item in your hands and have checked it is the same as in the website.
Do not give your credit card by mail or by phone to prevent any fraude. In case of any suspicious ads on your diaspora marketplace, please report by mail at : [email protected]